So as most of you know Broden & I have moved back to Utah. Broden is doing so well, he loves his 3rd grade class and loves being back with his family & friends! I just wanted to thank everyone who help us move so quickly I couldn't have done it without all of you!
I love and miss all of you!
Broden craving pumpkins with his cousins Matt and Cameron.
I didn't know you were moving back to St. George! How fun and lucky! Where are you living? Looks like good times carving pumpkins!
Looks like you and Broden are settling down quite nice. I am glad he is happy to be back with his friends and family.But.. Hows Momma? I miss you too! Give me a call and let me know how you are? Hugs and Kisses!
I'm so glad to see that you guys got to St. George safely. I miss you terribly :c(. Do you have the same email address? Keep in touch.
Hey, I am glad you updated. I check every day to see how you and Broden are doing. Hope all is well. Call me sometime! We miss you!
Im so sad that u moved but i totally understand. if i had known u were moving i wouldve came over to help pack. u should come visit sometime!i know i didnt get to know u as much as i wouldve liked but i loved what i did know about u. Miss u!
As some of the others, I didn't know you were heading back to St. George. Call me and we can get together for lunch or something. I would love to talk and see how "Kasey" is doing. I know that we haven't been as close throught the years, but once a friend, always a friend. Call me, 862-7609 or e-mail me @
Hey! I'm glad you guys are back home (glad for you, but not for us who miss you guys!). It's sad not to see Broden's little face at Scout's, and I miss seeing you too! I tried calling last week, but couldn't get a hold of you. I hope you are doing okay. We sure love you guys!
p.s. sorry I didn't end up coming back over Friday morning, Corbin got a staple through his finger at school and we I had to take him over to the insta care to get it removed. Boys!
Hey Kasey, it was great to run into you the other day. I am glad you're back. Let's seriously get together for lunch sometime. We need to catch up more. Email me at Love ya girl!!
Welcome home friend. Next time I get to St. George we'll have to go to lunch with "the girls", so you can fill us in on what's going on! Love ya. Cindy
It was nice to see your face with a big smile and I bet Broden wakes up everyday smiling! Now you and Broden can begin a new adventure in life. I miss you, little friend. I was at Ross and I saw a pair of heels that reminded me of you, so I had to put them on. They about killed me as I tried to walk. Hey I need your address. Love and miss you-Shondra
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