Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Broden Got His Purple Belt!

On Saturday Broden tested for his purple belt in karate.

He got a 90 (which is the highest you can get) on his form, self defense and sparing.

Broden getting his purple belt.

It is cool to look back and see how much he as improved over the year.


The Schaefer's said...

Way to go Broden!

Jarrod said...

Post something new...geez! j/k...I really just wanted to tell you I am so so sorry I forgot about the other night I am sad I didn't get to see you. Hope you had a good trip to Utah. Aslo a little random info, I found Alicia Manning on here, don't remember how but her little girl is cute and she is just her funny self. Talk to you soon. Love ya!