Sunday, November 18, 2007

Broden's Karate

Broden had his first Karate tournament this weekend. He did awesome! He won first place for his form (which is a total of 44 moves he has to do in order). He also won third place in Sparing, which he has only done for a few weeks. Do I sound like a proud mom or what?

Fall Leaves

After living in the desert of Southern Utah most of my life, I am amazed at how beautiful the trees are here in the fall.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Golf Cart

Peachtree City is known for being a golf cart community. We waited 6 months before we got one. Bill wanted a fast golf cart and when he saw the yellow one it was love at first site. Broden does not like the color and reminds us every time he gets on. You might laugh at the idea but actually I love it. You can take your cart to Walmart, the grocery store, to school, the bank... ect. If and when we move I told Bill the golf cart is coming with us, and I will start golf cart communities all over. :)

We weatherised our golf cart! In the mornings I take Broden to the bus stop in the golf cart, it was getting to cold without the cover. People told me you can get little heaters from Walmart to put in your golf cart. People here use their golf carts all year.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Halloween 2007

This was our first Halloween in Georgia, Bill loves Halloween so he went a little crazy on the decorations! ha ha

Broden was Obi Won this year. Last year he was a Storm Trooper so maybe by the time he is 10 we will have the whole Star Wars cast! I helped out with Broden's school party that day, they had to dress up in book characters so I wore a Harry Potter cape.

Bill dressed up and sat out in front of the house. There were over 150 kids out trick or treating.