Monday, May 11, 2009

Monster Truck Rally

Chad wanted to take Broden to the Monster Truck Rally! We had a fun night out. We went to Cafe Ri0 for dinner then off to the fair grounds. We met up with Chads brother and his wife and little boy Jaxton. Broden's favorite was the motorcycles, one of them did a back flip.

Broden's First History Fair Project

Broden wanted to do his report on Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah.
He did such a great job. He was so excited to use stuff from his Uncle Jakes mission.

Raosting Marshmallows!

It is getting to be such nice weather here. One Sunday night we roasted marshmallows in the backyard. The kids had so much fun. I was excited because I could get my fix of burnt marshmallows without going camping!