A couple days before Easter Broden and I had a funny conversation, it went something like this..
Broden- "Mom, I need to get on your computer."
Me- "Broden it is time for bed. Why do you need to get on it now?"
Broden- "I need to look up something for the Easter Bunny to bring me."
Me- "What? Broden are you kidding me? The Easter Bunny does not have an Email address."
What happened to just getting the plastic eggs full of candy? We now have to send the Easter Bunny wish lists?
This weekend my brother and his wife Andrea and baby Sofie came to visit.
We all decorated Easter Eggs on Saturday night.

Me Chad & Broden!
( I never can get Chad to smile for a picture.)

Even though he didn't send the Easter Bunny an Email, I think he had a great Easter.